We are happy to modify any of our plans.

We can make them larger, smaller, redesign  the foundation to be built of the side of a hill or accommodate a 300 lb snow load. The cost can be as little as $120 up to several $1,000's, it all depends upon have much you want changed and how those changes affect the structural engineered design. For example; if you want to change the size or location of a window and this change doesn't affect the structural design of the plan then that would only cost $120 plus any costs associated with the window itself. On the other hand, if you wanted to vault the ceiling of a given plan and this change happens to affect the structural engineered design, it could cost $500 to $1,000. If your changes require retaining walls to be designed into the foundation plan because of to a sloping lot, this can cost $1,000 to $1,200 depending upon the specific requirements.

If you're interested in modifying one of our plans the best place to start is by requesting the "Free Plan Review Set". You will find the "Request a Free Plan Review Set" button on any of our individual plan pages. After you've downloaded the plan and printed it just make notes of what you'd like changed in red pen and send it to your Dealer. After we've reviewed your desired changes your Dealer will get back to you with the costs to make the changes. For more specifics please contact your Dealer or click here to Find A Dealer.