Since we deliver our products all over the world delivery costs can vary a lot. That's not necessarily because of the distance to the jobsite from our factory in Elk Grove, California.

For example; delivery cost to San Diego (approx.500 miles) is about $2,200 per truck; delivery cost to Japan (approx.5,000 miles) is about $2,500 per container and delivery cost to Hawaii (approx. 2,400) is about $10,000 per container. Many ask how can this be, it doesn't make sense. Here's why. Generally speaking shipping by truck costs a lot more than by ship. A ship can carry a lot more. So why does it cost so much to ship to Hawaii, less than half the distance? Shipping to the  Hawaiian Islands are heavily regulated and shipping is controlled primarily by one company. These delivery costs assume that your package is under 1,200 sq.ft. Generally speaking a 40' step deck trailer or 40' high cube container can carry about a 1,200 sq.ft. structure with 2 X 6 exterior walls. For more specifics please contact your Dealer or click here to Find A Dealer.